How can you identify inferior rectangle and square tubing?

ERW steel tube supplier West Midlands

Square and rectangular tubes are the perfect choice for many applications. They’re made of strip steel and created using mechanical processes with welding to bond the edges. Since there are so many options available, there are those who struggle to select the right ones for their needs. To help, we are going to discuss what you should focus on when it comes to selecting your own tubing. Also, we will talk about how you can identify inferior rectangular and square tubes. Then, if you want the confidence of buying from the leading ERW steel tube supplier in the West Midlands, you can come to us. Continue reading “How can you identify inferior rectangle and square tubing?”

A closer look at welding slag

ERW steel tubes West Midlands

Electric resistance welding (ERW) is a technique used extensively for manufacturing tubes. It’s famous for its cost effectiveness and efficiency. Although, something welders can encounter with it is the problem of welding slag. Our intention is to discuss this in detail. We will go over things like the reasons for its existence, its consequences, and preventive measures. Then, if you want to order high quality ERW steel tubes in the West Midlands, you can rely on us. Continue reading “A closer look at welding slag”

Using ERW tubes to create modern structures

ERW tubes

Architects, structural engineers, and other stakeholders need to choose the right materials and products to build with. This is crucial for any kind of structure, from housing to public buildings and even infrastructure like bridges. ERW tubes can be an interesting option for various applications. We want to have a closer look here to explore why and the advantages. Continue reading “Using ERW tubes to create modern structures”

ERW tubes and their maintenance demands

ERW tubes

ERW tube has uses in a wide array of industries. A common application is the transportation of resources, such as oil, water, and gas. These utensils are popular for their versatility, cost efficiency, and durability. Like any other infrastructure though, they demand regular maintenance. Without it, they can’t achieve optimal longevity and performance. We’re going to discuss the maintenance needs of these tubes and will also offer you some tips for keeping them in shape. Continue reading “ERW tubes and their maintenance demands”