Finishing tubes to maximise quality

Union Steel specialises in electric resistance welding, producing tubing to cater for a wide array of requirements. Our commitment to quality is the reason we are the best name for ERW steel tubes West Midlands businesses can deal with. With low lead times and great prices, we have a solution for numerous needs.


One thing many people worry about with ERW tubing is a seam. The manufacturing process involves physically clamping the edges together when they reach the right temperature. This creates a bond but the seam will be visible and raised. An additional process is necessary to remove this and ensure the tube is smooth all around. It must be done with care, ensuring the surface of the tubing is not damaged. The smoothing process can also help to hide the seam, making it blend in much better.


The seam is not the only edge that people worry about with ERW tubing. The ends must also be precise and smooth. Cutting a tube can leave a jagged end that is uneven and potentially sharp. Deburring is necessary to remove this.

If you drill a hole into a section of tube it may also require finishing. This is because the action of the drill cutting through the material can create a burr. While it is possible to drill without creating burrs on the outside, they are likely to appear inside. This can lead to all kinds of issues if you don’t remove them, including creating spots where debris can be caught and making it difficult to fix the tube in place tightly.

At Union Steel we put a lot of effort into finishing our tubes. As a result we offer very high standards and regularly exceed the expectations of our customers. We strive to keep lead times as low as possible, cutting tube to order rather than manufacturing them from scratch. This saves time and we can deburr edges quickly to make them perfect.

If they want to order ERW steel tubes West Midlands based customers should come to us. We are locally based and can arrange rapid deliver. Whatever your application we are confident we can supply the right tubing.