Do you have the right tubes for chemical processing?

We’ve been working with tubing for many years now. Specifically, we focus on producing quality ERW tube. It can fulfil many applications in numerous industries. By working with us, you’ll have easy access to these utensils as well as expert advice and support should you need either.

Stainless steel tubes are critical components in all sorts of industries. This is especially true for the chemical processing industry. Their ability to endure harsh environments, durability, and corrosion resistance make them perfect for fluid and chemical transportation. Yet, not all tubes are made equally. Choosing the right one for your needs is necessary. You need it to guarantee the efficiency and safety of your processes. Let’s look at the factors to consider with chemical processing.

Corrosion resistance

Corrosion is a leading concern in chemical processing. Exposure to corrosive environments and chemicals can result in the tubes deteriorating. They can leak and may also cause catastrophic failures.

Stainless steel tubing is famous for the considerable corrosion resistance. Different grades provide individual levels of protection though. You need a grade that resists the particular chemicals in your work.

Temperature and pressure

ERW tubeChemical processing tends to involve high pressures and temperatures. Both can place considerable strain on your tubing systems, so you need materials that can handle them.

Stainless steel tubes are capable of coping with these conditions. They can offer impressive resistance. If the pressure will be exceptionally high, seamless tubing is generally the best option. Whatever the case, it is essential you pick a steel grade capable of withstanding your operating pressure and temperatures. ERW tube may not be suitable.

Cleanliness and purity

With chemical processing, the purity of fluids is essential. Contamination from the tube material itself can negatively influence the quality of your end material, so it is vital to avoid it.

Go for utensils here that are made with top tier raw materials. They also need to have had stringent purification procedures. Opt for stainless steel tubes that meet industry regulations and standards. This will guarantee the cleanliness and suitability for chemical processing.

Maintenance and lifecycle costs

It’s true that people love stainless steel tubes for their maintenance and durability. Although, it’s still necessary to guarantee their long term performance. Think about the maintenance needs. Factor in possible downtime and costs.

Making an informed decision on the most cost efficient option also requires you to assess lifecycle costs. These include replacement, maintenance, and installation expenses. ERW tube is usually the best option in terms of the upfront cost.

Regulatory compliance

Chemical processing is subject to several safety standards and regulations. These protect the environment as well as your workers.

Always check that your chosen materials comply with suitable industry regulations and standards. This will ensure the safety of your operations. At the same time, you’ll be able to avoid financial and legal trouble.


To conclude, choosing the finest stainless steel tubes for chemical processing is crucial. Factors like compliance, maintenance, fluid compatibility, purity, and corrosion resistance are key. You need to consider them to make the right choices with tubing.

We provide the best experience when you need ERW tube

At Union Steel Tubes, we’re committed to supplying top tier products. We cut them to size to suit all kinds of needs. At the same time, we work to deliver quickly. It all makes for quite the comprehensive experience.

So, if you would like our ERW tube items, please get in touch. We’re always happy to help.