Union Steel Tubes is an ISO 9001 Company specialising in providing ERW tube. We are able to supply our clients with various products, including deburred ERW tubes. It is our intention to offer the absolute best tubing possible. Not to mention, we commit to giving you an excellent standard of customer care.
What is the appeal of deburring?
You may be wondering what is so great about our deburred ERW tubes. Allow us to explain. The thing about fabrication technology is that there has been considerable improvement here over the years. Water jet machines are common. Turret punching systems are carrying out even more levels of forming. Lasers are more powerful than they have ever been. But, each of these blanking systems can produce burs, or sharp edges, even on tubes. These can become liabilities. Luckily, deburring can help.
The process is designed to generate high calibre finishes on tubing and other metal products. It removes dangerous, sharp burs and creates a smooth edge. When there are no sharp edges or burrs on parts, personal safety increases. Additionally, it is easier to handle your tube materials. Paint also adheres better. Your tubes will look a lot more pleasing too.
There is another benefit to deburring you should know about as well. Contemporary machines smooth the edges and the surface. This is different to the single-belt mechanisms that were utilised years ago. It is far more reliable and will give a better finish.
Historically, several systems made use of single-belt mechanisms to scratch the exterior. They would then dispose of the vertical burr and produce a brush or grain finish. What this did though is create a sharp 90ยบ edge, or a horizontal burr. People actually called this deburring decades ago. Today however, it is a liability to tubes. Using modern techniques, we can remove the burrs entirely from exterior and interior edges, and from part surfaces.
Ordering deburred ERW tubes and more
Our establishment can supply you with more than 200 different sizes of tube. Furthermore, we have a special steel cutting and processing service to create cut and random lengths. In addition, our products are available in many shapes, including square, oval, square, and rectangular.
To ensure the quality of our deburred ERW tubes, we subject each of them to careful testing. Once we complete our checks, we shall send the merchandise to you using our quick delivery service. If the order is an urgent one, we can offer you same day delivery. You can collect your order from us yourself too if you would prefer.
You are welcome to call or send us an email anytime you need our help; we will give you the support you need to order the best products.